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Be Bold.
Be Curious.

Our place for discovery, healing, unifying, liberating, stillness - remembering our wholeness. Come as you are.
Shhh... It's not really about arts even though it is...

Be Among.

Merged with Begin Peace!

Coming Soon:

This site will hold my art, and even my Dad's art. I have something very special planned. To stay in the know, sign up for our newsletter. 

Who is this for? What do we ACTUALLY do? Where and When do we do it? Why is it important? How will it impact our lives?

What's coming up - new classes, courses, groups, retreats, collaborations, conferences, launches, You get the idea... find out! 

White Sands

More questions, ideas, looking for something, or want to share what you created or experienced in something offered?

Fish Scale Texture

Where to get connected with classes, events, social media, groups, community!  And private coaching and sessions for direct care.

Individuality is only possible if it unfolds from wholeness.
~ David Bohm

"Dr. Birdi was able to guide me into hearing and feeling my way to myself. She guided me home, and what I've been able to do with this feels amazing, solid."

~ Roni. Wholeness Coaching™

This even will not be happening here, but it will be a type of salon hosted on Begin Peace this fall and winter. Sign up for the newsletter if you would like to have some great talks, meet some new people. 

Live Small Group: Art-In-Salons
Live Small Group: Art-In-Salons
Time is TBD
Topic Based Salons, like old time discussions on a topic of importance, mixed with Art. You'll see. It's FANTASTIC.
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